Your Journey Ahead with this Course

I hope you enjoy it and get as much from it as I have creating this course for you. Love Eva

  • 1

    Introduction To Shamanic Preparation for Pregnancy and Birth

    • Introduction to Shamanic Preparation for Pregnancy and Birth

  • 2

    Rooting Yourself

    • Setting Your Roots and Finding Yourself.

    • Sound Medicine Tools

    • Make Friends with Plants

    • Chloe's Freebirth and Drum Journey for Birth Story

  • 3

    Honouring our Ancestor's, Deities and Protectors of Birth.

    • Wisdom from your Ancestors

    • The Power of Prayer

    • Prayer and Invoking for Birth by Aimee Ari Laxmi Hamblyn

    • The Sacred Directions and The Elements for Birth

    • Deity and Animal Energy Allies for Birth

    • The Holistic Stages of Birth by Whapio Diane Bartlett - Independent Midwife

    • Katie's Experience with her daughter Wynter

    • Camille's Story. The Power of Song, of voice and of Prayer to God and Mary during Birth!

    • Jo's Birth with Ozzy her youngest son, following the death of her eldest son, Anthony.

  • 4

    Meditation and Journey Work

    • Meditation and Journeying / Pathwork for Pregnancy and Birth.

    • Your Baby's Spirit

    • Dream Time

    • Sarah's Connected Experience - Unassisted birth and Placenta Burial

    • The Power of Intuition and Mantra in Una's birth! (Her Moon Phase was her birth date too!)

  • 5

    Working with the Moon

    • Working with the Moon

    • Words from women who worked with the moon and birthed on their moon dates

  • 6

    Ceremonies and Rituals: Mothers Blessing Ideas, Water Blessing, Sigil's for Birth

    • Ceremonies and Ritual Ideas.

    • Mothers Blessing Menu by Lucy Baena

    • Heather's Mothers Blessing Story

    • Lucy's Mother Blessing - in Photo's

    • Shirley's Mother Blessing

    • Emma's Mother Blessing

  • 7

    Your Birth in Ceremony

    • Your Birth in Ceremony

    • Your Birth in Liminal Cyclical Time

    • The Power of Drum

    • Sacred Drumming During Pregnancy and Birth Stories and Experiences

    • Debbie's beautiful birth of pure trust and connection with Raya

    • Virginias Birth of Baby Isaac Wolf

    • Aoife's Birth with the power of Sound !

    • Rebecca's Birth with ritual, connection, drum.

  • 8

    Honouring Your Forty Days Postpartum

    • Honouring Your Postnatal Moon for Healing

    • Postnatal Warming

    • Parents Reflections on Closing Postpartum Healing Sessions

    • The Importance of Protecting your Space Postnatally too! You are still in your birth ceremony, in liminal space.

    • Nurturing the Mother - By Bera Benitez

    • Some Recipe Ideas for Healing Postnatally

    • Placenta Honouring and Baby Earthing Ceremonies

    • Wynter's Placenta Burial

    • Jo's Beautiful Placenta Experiences

  • 9

    Gratitude! Book your one to one session here! Plus other links, refs and downloads.

    • Two one to one sessions free with this course!

    • Gratitude to You! Many Blessings on your Journey.

    • Links, Books, Resources.

    • Course Downloads

    • References

What Else Comes with this Course?

Any questions? Contact Eva: [email protected]. I will look forward to supporting your pregnancy experience. Love Eva x